Providing neutral guidance to amicable resolutions.

During mediation, we help you and the other party make decisions based on what is best for both of you and, most importantly, your children. At GalowitzOlson, our professional mediators can help you work through and resolve issues as amicably and cost effectively as possible. The issues covered may include the following:  

  • Distribution of Property

  • Division of Debts/Liabilities/Taxes

  • Child Custody and Parenting Time

  • Parenting Plans

  • Communication Difficulties

  • Child Support

  • Spousal Maintenance Establishment or Mediation

  • Post-decree Issues

The goal of mediation is to reach agreements. Sometimes, agreements come easily. Sometimes they take time and hard work. When agreements are difficult to reach, professional mediation can help. The mediator is a neutral person who does not “work” for either side. It is her role to foster productive communication, brainstorm solutions, teach empathy and assist both of you in the decision-making process. She will keep you focused on the issues and moving forward to amicable resolutions.

Learn effective communication.

During mediation, you will learn and practice how to communicate more productively, so you can work effectively together as parents after the divorce. Improving your post-divorce relationship makes it easier to put the wellbeing of your children first.

Expedite and improve divorce agreements.

Mediation can also help expedite a challenging divorce, and to formulate agreements that will stand the test of time. Because we are working with the same information base, it usually takes less time to negotiate a resolution that makes sense for both of you.